
  1. Use NGPhylogeny.fr to analysis the set of rRNA sequence provided. Describe the methods and put the .png file from your analysis into your Lab 8 .Rmd file

Provided FASTA file is a core group of DNA sequences of small subunit ribosomal genes from GenBank. Phylogeny analysis was done using the NGPhylogeny.fr web service. The one click analysis used. Below are the steps for the analysis.

  1. Input: FASTA
  2. Alignment: MAFFT
  3. Curation: BMGE
  4. Tree interference: FASTME
  5. Tree rendering: Newick Display

As output, the newick file and the png images saved.

  1. Align and do phylogenetic analysis off the sequences in CIPRES using MAFFT and FastTreeMP. Here is my step by step tutorial on using CIPRES. You will need to click on Parameter Set and Save even if you don’t change the parameters. Download the fastree_result.tre to your computer.

  2. Go through the tutorial on Visualizing and Annotating Phylogenetic Trees with R+ggtree adding the steps to your .Rmd file.

## Phylogenetic tree with 13 tips and 12 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##   A, B, C, D, E, F, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Exercise 1

  1. Create a slanted phylogenetic tree.

  1. Create a circular phylogenetic tree.

  1. Create a circular unscaled cladogram with thick red lines.

Exercise 2

Tree Annotations

## [1] 17
## [1] 21

Labeling clades

Connecting taxa

Exercise 3

Advanced tree annotation