
Berent Aldikacti


In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv("data/bouldercreek_09_2013.txt", skiprows=25, sep='\t')
In [3]:
agency_cd site_no datetime tz_cd 04_00060 04_00060_cd
0 5s 15s 20d 6s 14n 10s
1 USGS 06730200 2013-09-01 00:00 MDT 57 A
2 USGS 06730200 2013-09-01 00:15 MDT 57 A
3 USGS 06730200 2013-09-01 00:30 MDT 57 A
4 USGS 06730200 2013-09-01 00:45 MDT 57 A
In [4]:
(2876, 6)
In [5]:
df2 = df.iloc[1:2876,2:5].copy()
datetime tz_cd 04_00060
1 2013-09-01 00:00 MDT 57
2 2013-09-01 00:15 MDT 57
3 2013-09-01 00:30 MDT 57
4 2013-09-01 00:45 MDT 57
5 2013-09-01 01:00 MDT 57
... ... ... ...
2871 2013-09-30 22:45 MDT 334
2872 2013-09-30 23:00 MDT 334
2873 2013-09-30 23:15 MDT 334
2874 2013-09-30 23:30 MDT 334
2875 2013-09-30 23:45 MDT 339

2875 rows × 3 columns

Challenge - Drawing from distributions

Have a look at numpy.random documentation. Choose a distribution you have no familiarity with, and try to sample from and visualize it.

In [6]:
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng()

dh = np.random.default_rng().dirichlet((10, 5, 3), 20).transpose()
array([[0.69139515, 0.33628165, 0.50896079, 0.48978917, 0.71851791,
        0.62106609, 0.54926603, 0.54383846, 0.68054066, 0.29033301,
        0.4905586 , 0.61247977, 0.67914497, 0.5660154 , 0.39073592,
        0.63397258, 0.60255503, 0.7469851 , 0.51927079, 0.51035139],
       [0.16706423, 0.51045099, 0.20512863, 0.35144539, 0.13015156,
        0.28168942, 0.14335136, 0.28029949, 0.22528868, 0.47577264,
        0.22189668, 0.19227872, 0.12888257, 0.28852352, 0.49553699,
        0.22838989, 0.24041696, 0.07902811, 0.30911865, 0.23969732],
       [0.14154062, 0.15326735, 0.28591058, 0.15876544, 0.15133053,
        0.09724449, 0.3073826 , 0.17586205, 0.09417066, 0.23389435,
        0.28754473, 0.19524151, 0.19197246, 0.14546108, 0.1137271 ,
        0.13763753, 0.15702801, 0.17398678, 0.17161055, 0.24995129]])
In [7]:
plt.barh(range(20), dh[0])
plt.barh(range(20), dh[1], left=dh[0], color='g')
plt.barh(range(20), dh[2], left=dh[0] + dh[1], color='r')
plt.title("Lengths of Strings")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Lengths of Strings')

Challenge - Pandas and Matplotlib

Load the streamgage data set with Pandas, subset the week of the 2013 Front Range flood (September 11 through 15) and create a hydrograph (line plot) of the discharge data using Pandas, linking it to an empty maptlotlib ax object. Create a second axis that displays the whole dataset. Adapt the title and axes’ labels using matplotlib.

In [8]:
discharge = pd.read_csv("data/bouldercreek_09_2013.txt",
                        skiprows=27, delimiter="\t",
                        names=["agency", "site_id", "datetime",
                               "timezone", "discharge", "discharge_cd"])
discharge["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(discharge["datetime"])
front_range = discharge[(discharge["datetime"] >= "2013-09-09") &
                        (discharge["datetime"] < "2013-09-15")]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
front_range.plot(x ="datetime", y="discharge", ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel("") # no label
ax.set_ylabel("Discharge, cubic feet per second")
ax.set_title(" Front Range flood event 2013")

discharge = pd.read_csv("data/bouldercreek_09_2013.txt",
                      skiprows=27, delimiter="\t",
                      names=["agency", "site_id", "datetime",
                             "timezone", "flow_rate", "height"])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
flood = discharge[(discharge["datetime"] >= "2013-09-11") &
                  (discharge["datetime"] < "2013-09-15")]

ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.65, 0.575, 0.25, 0.3])
flood.plot(x ="datetime", y="flow_rate", ax=ax)
discharge.plot(x ="datetime", y="flow_rate", ax=ax2)
ax.set_xlabel("") # no label
ax.set_ylabel("Discharge, cubic feet per second")
ax.set_title(" Front Range flood event 2013")

discharge = pd.read_csv("data/bouldercreek_09_2013.txt",
                      skiprows=27, delimiter="\t",
                      names=["agency", "site_id", "datetime",
                             "timezone", "flow_rate", "height"])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
flood = discharge[(discharge["datetime"] >= "2013-09-11") &
                  (discharge["datetime"] < "2013-09-15")]

ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.65, 0.575, 0.25, 0.3])
flood.plot(x ="datetime", y="flow_rate", ax=ax)
discharge.plot(x ="datetime", y="flow_rate", ax=ax2)

ax.set_xlabel("") # no label
ax.set_ylabel("Discharge, cubic feet per second")
ax.set_title(" Front Range flood event 2013")
Text(0.5, 1.0, ' Front Range flood event 2013')

Challenge - Saving figures

Check the documentation of the savefig method and check how you can comply to journals requiring figures as pdf file with dpi >= 300.

In [11]:
Signature: fig.savefig(fname, *, transparent=None, **kwargs)
Save the current figure.

Call signature::

  savefig(fname, dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
          orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
          transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1,
          frameon=None, metadata=None)

The available output formats depend on the backend being used.

fname : str or path-like or file-like
    A path, or a Python file-like object, or
    possibly some backend-dependent object such as

    If *format* is set, it determines the output format, and the file
    is saved as *fname*.  Note that *fname* is used verbatim, and there
    is no attempt to make the extension, if any, of *fname* match
    *format*, and no extension is appended.

    If *format* is not set, then the format is inferred from the
    extension of *fname*, if there is one.  If *format* is not
    set and *fname* has no extension, then the file is saved with
    :rc:`savefig.format` and the appropriate extension is appended to

Other Parameters
dpi : float or 'figure', default: :rc:`savefig.dpi`
    The resolution in dots per inch.  If 'figure', use the figure's
    dpi value.

quality : int, default: :rc:`savefig.jpeg_quality`
    Applicable only if *format* is 'jpg' or 'jpeg', ignored otherwise.

    The image quality, on a scale from 1 (worst) to 95 (best).
    Values above 95 should be avoided; 100 disables portions of
    the JPEG compression algorithm, and results in large files
    with hardly any gain in image quality.

    This parameter is deprecated.

optimize : bool, default: False
    Applicable only if *format* is 'jpg' or 'jpeg', ignored otherwise.

    Whether the encoder should make an extra pass over the image
    in order to select optimal encoder settings.

    This parameter is deprecated.

progressive : bool, default: False
    Applicable only if *format* is 'jpg' or 'jpeg', ignored otherwise.

    Whether the image should be stored as a progressive JPEG file.

    This parameter is deprecated.

facecolor : color or 'auto', default: :rc:`savefig.facecolor`
    The facecolor of the figure.  If 'auto', use the current figure

edgecolor : color or 'auto', default: :rc:`savefig.edgecolor`
    The edgecolor of the figure.  If 'auto', use the current figure

orientation : {'landscape', 'portrait'}
    Currently only supported by the postscript backend.

papertype : str
    One of 'letter', 'legal', 'executive', 'ledger', 'a0' through
    'a10', 'b0' through 'b10'. Only supported for postscript

format : str
    The file format, e.g. 'png', 'pdf', 'svg', ... The behavior when
    this is unset is documented under *fname*.

transparent : bool
    If *True*, the axes patches will all be transparent; the
    figure patch will also be transparent unless facecolor
    and/or edgecolor are specified via kwargs.
    This is useful, for example, for displaying
    a plot on top of a colored background on a web page.  The
    transparency of these patches will be restored to their
    original values upon exit of this function.

bbox_inches : str or `.Bbox`, default: :rc:`savefig.bbox`
    Bounding box in inches: only the given portion of the figure is
    saved.  If 'tight', try to figure out the tight bbox of the figure.

pad_inches : float, default: :rc:`savefig.pad_inches`
    Amount of padding around the figure when bbox_inches is 'tight'.

bbox_extra_artists : list of `~matplotlib.artist.Artist`, optional
    A list of extra artists that will be considered when the
    tight bbox is calculated.

backend : str, optional
    Use a non-default backend to render the file, e.g. to render a
    png file with the "cairo" backend rather than the default "agg",
    or a pdf file with the "pgf" backend rather than the default
    "pdf".  Note that the default backend is normally sufficient.  See
    :ref:`the-builtin-backends` for a list of valid backends for each
    file format.  Custom backends can be referenced as "module://...".

metadata : dict, optional
    Key/value pairs to store in the image metadata. The supported keys
    and defaults depend on the image format and backend:

    - 'png' with Agg backend: See the parameter ``metadata`` of
    - 'pdf' with pdf backend: See the parameter ``metadata`` of
    - 'svg' with svg backend: See the parameter ``metadata`` of
    - 'eps' and 'ps' with PS backend: Only 'Creator' is supported.

pil_kwargs : dict, optional
    Additional keyword arguments that are passed to
    `` when saving the figure.
File:      ~/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
Type:      method
In [10]:

Challenge - Final Plot

Display your data using one or more plot types from the example gallery. Which ones to choose will depend on the content of your own data file. If you are using the streamgage file bouldercreek_09_2013.txt, you could make a histogram of the number of days with a given mean discharge, use bar plots to display daily discharge statistics, or explore the different ways matplotlib can handle dates and times for figures.

In [75]:
discharge = pd.read_csv("data/bouldercreek_09_2013.txt",
                        skiprows=27, delimiter="\t",
                        names=["agency", "site_id", "datetime",
                               "timezone", "discharge", "discharge_cd"])
In [70]:
agency site_id datetime timezone discharge discharge_cd
0 USGS 6730200 2013-09-01 00:00:00 MDT 57 A
1 USGS 6730200 2013-09-01 00:15:00 MDT 57 A
2 USGS 6730200 2013-09-01 00:30:00 MDT 57 A
3 USGS 6730200 2013-09-01 00:45:00 MDT 57 A
4 USGS 6730200 2013-09-01 01:00:00 MDT 57 A
In [83]:
disp = discharge.groupby(['discharge'])['datetime'].count().reset_index(name='datetime')
disp['discharge'] = disp['discharge'].astype(object)
In [93]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
disp.plot(x='discharge',y='datetime' ,kind='bar',stacked=True, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel("Discharge level") # no label
ax.set_ylabel("Discharge, cubic feet per second")
ax.set_title(" Discharge recorded per level")
ax.tick_params(labelsize=8, pad=8)
In [92]: