## ***** Object of Class vcfR *****
## 18 samples
## 1 CHROMs
## 2,533 variants
## Object size: 3.2 Mb
## 8.497 percent missing data
## *****        *****         *****
## [1] "##fileformat=VCFv4.1"                                                   
## [2] "##source=\"GATK haplotype Caller, phased with beagle4\""                
## [3] "##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description=\"Low quality\">"                      
## [4] "##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description=\"Allelic depths for" 
## [5] "the ref and alt alleles in the order listed\">"                         
## [6] "##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Approximate read"   
## [7] "depth (reads with MQ=255 or with bad mates are filtered)\">"            
## [8] "##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Genotype Quality\">"
## [9] "##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Genotype\">"
##  [1] "FILTER=ID=LowQual"                   
##  [2] "FORMAT=ID=AD"                        
##  [3] "FORMAT=ID=DP"                        
##  [4] "FORMAT=ID=GQ"                        
##  [5] "FORMAT=ID=GT"                        
##  [6] "FORMAT=ID=PL"                        
##  [7] "GATKCommandLine=ID=HaplotypeCaller"  
##  [8] "INFO=ID=AC"                          
##  [9] "INFO=ID=AF"                          
## [10] "INFO=ID=AN"                          
## [11] "INFO=ID=BaseQRankSum"                
## [12] "INFO=ID=ClippingRankSum"             
## [13] "INFO=ID=DP"                          
## [14] "INFO=ID=DS"                          
## [15] "INFO=ID=FS"                          
## [16] "INFO=ID=HaplotypeScore"              
## [17] "INFO=ID=InbreedingCoeff"             
## [18] "INFO=ID=MLEAC"                       
## [19] "INFO=ID=MLEAF"                       
## [20] "INFO=ID=MQ"                          
## [21] "INFO=ID=MQ0"                         
## [22] "INFO=ID=MQRankSum"                   
## [23] "INFO=ID=QD"                          
## [24] "INFO=ID=ReadPosRankSum"              
## [25] "INFO=ID=SOR"                         
## [26] "1 contig=<IDs omitted from queryMETA"
queryMETA(vcf, element = 'DP')
## [[1]]
## [1] "FORMAT=ID=DP"                                                                         
## [2] "Number=1"                                                                             
## [3] "Type=Integer"                                                                         
## [4] "Description=Approximate read depth (reads with MQ=255 or with bad mates are filtered)"
## [[2]]
## [1] "INFO=ID=DP"                                                           
## [2] "Number=1"                                                             
## [3] "Type=Integer"                                                         
## [4] "Description=Approximate read depth; some reads may have been filtered"
##      CHROM              POS   ID REF ALT QUAL     FILTER
## [1,] "Supercontig_1.50" "2"   NA "T" "A" "44.44"  NA    
## [2,] "Supercontig_1.50" "246" NA "C" "G" "144.21" NA    
## [3,] "Supercontig_1.50" "549" NA "A" "C" "68.49"  NA    
## [4,] "Supercontig_1.50" "668" NA "G" "C" "108.07" NA    
## [5,] "Supercontig_1.50" "765" NA "A" "C" "92.78"  NA    
## [6,] "Supercontig_1.50" "780" NA "G" "T" "58.38"  NA
vcf@gt[1:6, 1:4]
##      FORMAT           BL2009P4_us23               DDR7602                  
## [1,] "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL" "0|0:62,0:62:99:0,190,2835" "0|0:12,0:12:39:0,39,585"
## [2,] "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL" "1|0:5,5:10:99:111,0,114"   NA                       
## [3,] "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL" NA                          NA                       
## [4,] "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL" "0|0:1,0:1:3:0,3,44"        NA                       
## [5,] "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL" "0|0:2,0:2:6:0,6,49"        "0|0:1,0:1:3:0,3,34"     
## [6,] "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL" "0|0:2,0:2:6:0,6,49"        "0|0:1,0:1:3:0,3,34"     
##      IN2009T1_us22              
## [1,] "0|0:37,0:37:99:0,114,1709"
## [2,] "0|1:2,1:3:16:16,0,48"     
## [3,] "0|0:2,0:2:6:0,6,51"       
## [4,] "1|1:0,1:1:3:25,3,0"       
## [5,] "0|0:1,0:1:3:0,3,31"       
## [6,] "0|0:3,0:3:9:0,9,85"

Exercise 1

  1. How would we find more information about read.vcfR()? ?read.vcfR

  2. How would we learn what the acronym “AD” stands for?

## [[1]]
## [1] "FORMAT=ID=AD"                                                              
## [2] "Number=."                                                                  
## [3] "Type=Integer"                                                              
## [4] "Description=Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed"
  1. We used the head() function to view the first few lines of fix data. How would we view the last few lines of fix data?
##         CHROM              POS     ID REF ALT QUAL      FILTER
## [2528,] "Supercontig_1.50" "99946" NA "T" "A" "133.41"  NA    
## [2529,] "Supercontig_1.50" "99961" NA "T" "C" "90.77"   NA    
## [2530,] "Supercontig_1.50" "99969" NA "G" "T" "6547.20" NA    
## [2531,] "Supercontig_1.50" "99975" NA "T" "A" "48.24"   NA    
## [2532,] "Supercontig_1.50" "99983" NA "T" "G" "7172.77" NA    
## [2533,] "Supercontig_1.50" "99989" NA "C" "T" "7314.05" NA
  1. There is a column in the fix portion of the data called QUAL. It is not defined in the meta portion of the data because it is defined in the VCF specification. It stands for ‘quality’. Does QUAL appear useful to us? Why or why not?

Yes it is useful. Vcf software tend to aggresively call variants. QuAL will be useful to filter our low quality calls.

  1. How would we query the sample names?
##  [1] "FORMAT"        "BL2009P4_us23" "DDR7602"       "IN2009T1_us22"
##  [5] "LBUS5"         "NL07434"       "P10127"        "P10650"       
##  [9] "P11633"        "P12204"        "P13527"        "P1362"        
## [13] "P13626"        "P17777us22"    "P6096"         "P7722"        
## [17] "RS2009P1_us8"  "blue13"        "t30-4"

Part II - Analysis of Genome Data

## Scanning file to determine attributes.
## File attributes:
##   meta lines: 29
##   header_line: 30
##   variant count: 2190
##   column count: 27
Meta line 29 read in.
## All meta lines processed.
## gt matrix initialized.
## Character matrix gt created.
##   Character matrix gt rows: 2190
##   Character matrix gt cols: 27
##   skip: 0
##   nrows: 2190
##   row_num: 0
Processed variant 1000
Processed variant 2000
Processed variant: 2190
## All variants processed
## ***** Object of Class vcfR *****
## 18 samples
## 1 CHROMs
## 2,190 variants
## Object size: 2.9 Mb
## 0 percent missing data
## *****        *****         *****
##  /// GENLIGHT OBJECT /////////
##  // 18 genotypes,  2,146 binary SNPs, size: 240.4 Kb
##  0 (0 %) missing data
##  // Basic content
##    @gen: list of 18 SNPbin
##  // Optional content
##    @ind.names:  18 individual labels
##    @loc.names:  2146 locus labels
##    @chromosome: factor storing chromosomes of the SNPs
##    @position: integer storing positions of the SNPs
##    @other: a list containing: elements without names
##                        BL2009P4_us23 DDR7602 IN2009T1_us22
## Supercontig_1.50_80063 "1|0"         "1|0"   "0|1"        
## Supercontig_1.50_80089 "0|0"         "1|0"   "0|1"        
## Supercontig_1.50_94108 "0|1"         "0|1"   "1|1"
##                        BL2009P4_us23 DDR7602 IN2009T1_us22
## Supercontig_1.50_80063             1       1             1
## Supercontig_1.50_80089             0       1             1
## Supercontig_1.50_94108             1       1             2

Distance matrices

Creating chromR object

## *****   Class chromR, method Show   *****
## Name: Supercontig 
## Chromosome length: 1,042,442 bp
##   Chromosome labels: Supercontig_1.50 of Phytophthora infestans T30-4
## Annotation (@ann) count: 223 
##   Annotation chromosome names: Supercontig_1.50
## Variant (@vcf) count: 22,031 
##   Variant (@vcf) chromosome names: Supercontig_1.50
## Object size: 24 Mb
## Use head(object) for more details.
## *****      End Show (chromR)        *****

##              CHROM   POS    MQ  DP mask  n Allele_counts         He       Ne
## 1 Supercontig_1.50 80058 58.96 508 TRUE 18       25,10,1 0.64364712 2.806207
## 2 Supercontig_1.50 80063 58.95 514 TRUE 18         25,11 0.42438272 1.737265
## 3 Supercontig_1.50 80067 58.88 499 TRUE 18         23,13 0.46141975 1.856734
## 4 Supercontig_1.50 80073 58.77 490 TRUE 18          35,1 0.05401235 1.057096
## 5 Supercontig_1.50 80074 58.75 482 TRUE 18         26,10 0.40123457 1.670103
## 6 Supercontig_1.50 80089 58.80 481 TRUE 18         25,11 0.42438272 1.737265
##              CHROM window start  end length   A   C   G   T    N other genic
## 1 Supercontig_1.50      1     1 1000   1000 267 213 293 227    0     0     0
## 2 Supercontig_1.50      2  1001 2000   1000 283 206 309 202    0     0     0
## 3 Supercontig_1.50      3  2001 3000   1000 229 213 235 177  146     0     0
## 4 Supercontig_1.50      4  3001 4000   1000   0   0   0   0 1000     0     0
## 5 Supercontig_1.50      5  4001 5000   1000   0   0   0   0 1000     0     0
## 6 Supercontig_1.50      6  5001 6000   1000   0   0   0   0 1000     0     0
##   variants
## 1        0
## 2        0
## 3        0
## 4        0
## 5        0
## 6        0

Genetic differentiation

CHROM POS Hs_af Hs_eu Hs_mx Hs_Pmir Hs_sa Hs_us Ht n_af n_eu n_mx n_Pmir n_sa n_us
Supercontig_1.50 2 0 0.0 0.000 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.0798611 2 4 4 2 4 8
Supercontig_1.50 246 NaN 0.0 0.375 NaN 0.000 0.50 0.3512397 0 4 4 0 6 8
Supercontig_1.50 549 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN NaN 0.50 0.4444444 0 2 0 0 0 4
Supercontig_1.50 668 NaN 0.5 0.000 NaN 0.000 0.50 0.5000000 0 4 2 0 2 8
Supercontig_1.50 765 0 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.00 0.1107266 2 12 4 2 4 10
Supercontig_1.50 780 0 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.375 0.18 0.1244444 2 8 4 2 4 10
Gst Htmax Gstmax Gprimest
0.4782609 0.7951389 0.9475983 0.5047085
NaN 0.8057851 NaN NaN
NaN 0.6666667 NaN NaN
NaN 0.8125000 NaN NaN
1.0000000 0.7543253 1.0000000 1.0000000
0.1160714 0.8000000 0.8625000 0.1345756
Hs_af 0.176
Hs_eu 0.188
Hs_mx 0.168
Hs_Pmir 0.052
Hs_sa 0.198
Hs_us 0.155
Ht 0.247
Gst 0.595
Gprimest 0.632

Exercises Part II

  1. You actually have everything you need to make a Manhattan plot. Can you figure out how to plot G′ST (y-axis) by genomic position (POS)?

  1. This Manhatttan plot shouldlook a bit unusual. Can you think of anything that may be wrong with this analysis?

Small sample size

  1. Can you figure out how to zoom in on a particular region of a chromosome in chromoqc()?

  1. Can you use the function queryMETA() to look for other data in your file that may be of interest?
##  [1] "FILTER=ID=LowQual"                   
##  [2] "FORMAT=ID=AD"                        
##  [3] "FORMAT=ID=DP"                        
##  [4] "FORMAT=ID=GQ"                        
##  [5] "FORMAT=ID=GT"                        
##  [6] "FORMAT=ID=PL"                        
##  [7] "GATKCommandLine=ID=HaplotypeCaller"  
##  [8] "INFO=ID=AC"                          
##  [9] "INFO=ID=AF"                          
## [10] "INFO=ID=AN"                          
## [11] "INFO=ID=BaseQRankSum"                
## [12] "INFO=ID=ClippingRankSum"             
## [13] "INFO=ID=DP"                          
## [14] "INFO=ID=DS"                          
## [15] "INFO=ID=FS"                          
## [16] "INFO=ID=HaplotypeScore"              
## [17] "INFO=ID=InbreedingCoeff"             
## [18] "INFO=ID=MLEAC"                       
## [19] "INFO=ID=MLEAF"                       
## [20] "INFO=ID=MQ"                          
## [21] "INFO=ID=MQ0"                         
## [22] "INFO=ID=MQRankSum"                   
## [23] "INFO=ID=QD"                          
## [24] "INFO=ID=ReadPosRankSum"              
## [25] "INFO=ID=SOR"                         
## [26] "1 contig=<IDs omitted from queryMETA"